Meet Dr. Sarina Phatak
Dr. Sarina Tekwani Phatak is a primary care physician and a board certified internist with a practice focus on health and wellness, and over 20 years of clinical expertise in hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders, pulmonary diseases, neurologic conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, and a wide variety of clinical conditions. Her focus is creating a strong doctor/patient bond with goals to improve overall wellness, mitigate risk factors for chronic diseases, and decrease inflammatory processes through lifestyle modification and clinical science.
Dr. Sarina is a St. Louis native, who completed her Bachelors in Biology and Medical Doctorate at University of Missouri in Kansas City, 6-year BA/MD program followed by combined residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at St. Louis University and Cardinal Glennon. She also completed a Chief Residency in Internal Medicine at St. Louis University.
Dr. Sarina has worked as a hospitalist at SSM St. Clare Hospital as well as building and maintaining a private practice where her focus was personal comprehensive care. For many years Dr. Sarina has also cared for the geriatric population serving as medical director for area long-term care and assisted living facilities. She holds several small group education sessions and has given lectures related to health and the immune system, and is a consistent trusted resource for patient care in connection with ever changing public policies.